Its a little known fact that the original words to Lyle Lovett's 1988 classic "If I had a boat" went "if I had a boat, I'd go out on the ocean. If I had to listen to a podcast, the Gen Y Marketing Podcast would not be my first choice". Thanks to some speedy work by our lawyers we were able to force Lovett to change the second line of the lyrics to say "If I had a pony, I'd ride it on my boat". Lovett said later in an interview "I cant explain why the lyrics to that song dont make sense, but there are 3 guys in Melbourne that you can ask...(bastards)".
This weeks show :-
Marketing News this week:-
- Microsoft ditches family guy
- How to SPAM like a pro
- Coles racist buiscut
- Crowd source radio? you mean an ipod
- Study finds people dont want to pay for stuff online
- Best celebrity viral ad (extensive research)
- The 4 types of shoppers
Campaign Focus:-
- Droid campaign
- Cottons tampon ad
Nice Ringleader mention Nat. Straight out of '94.
Guys, guys, guys - a plea from your heartland - keep the show notes going. All your copying and pasting makes my fortnight. In fact, it is so vital it makes me want to give thanks for Microsoft simply for giving you the power to copy and paste. Hmmm, maybe we should help them out by thinking of a show they CAN sponsor safely, as a way of saying thankyou. If Family Guy is out, how about Australia's Next Top Exotic Artist on Foxtel? And they can product-place the Blue Screen of Death over the naughty bits to put a positive, family-friendly spin on that Windows feature?
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